People having a circular economy vision will make the world a better place. We will give an opportunity to improve the business models for future generations!
This Erasmus+ project CASCADE’s core objective is to empower digital service companies (SMEs) to develop IT-enabled innovative circular economy (CE) solutions as projects, including platform business models, sharing economy/collab consumption, product-as-a-service, in B2C but also B2B.
Digital circular project incubator
A 10-week digital circular project incubator training program for digital service companies (SMEs) will be developed that targets the full life cycle of innovative circular projects and how to develop a circular project from cradle-to-cradle principles.
The training program will consist of five modules:
Inspiration and breaking barriers for circular economy: What is CE (in a modern understanding) about? What are main barriers that hinder the stakeholders of the future eco-system in establishing a circular system? What can CE offer to SMEs economically and in terms of innovative digital project ideas? At the end of the module, the user has identified a vision or gap that his project will try to fulfill or close.
System Innovation methods: How can ideas for circular economy projects be developed by into a concrete project outline, based on the project ideas? Here, a vision or gap is developed into a concrete, realizable project idea.
Funding and financing options: If needed, what national and international funding opportunities are there for SMEs for innovative digital circular economy projects based on the developed project outline. The user gets here an overview of possible funding opportunities and can get an overview of his options as well as get more detailed information.
Project management basics: In case a circular project application is successful, SMEs also need a solid foundation in project management skills. The focus will be on the distinct project management requirements in an externally funded/financed project. An overview of successful and effective project management will be conveyed in a short, clear and easy to understand way.
Proposal management: What are key success factors for “putting the pieces together” for a successful project funding/financing application? The last module is designed to enable users to write a proposal that is eligible for funding. The module teaches them everything they need to know for the application process as well as helpful tips that can be taken into account.
In addition to the training program, a digital environment will be developed, where the digital training materials will be offered for free. The digital environment will focus on maximum compatibility with existing platforms and systems (e.g. online-usage, integration into learning management systems, download). Also, it will encourage and enable interregional and intersectoral cooperation.
Cascade Kick-off!